Entity Framework Effort Load Data from Csv Files
Effort makes it possible to fill your fake database with data gathered from CSV files. Here is a sample CSV file that can be consumed by the Effort provider to fill the Products table.
Sample CSV File
ProductID,ProductName,SupplierID,CategoryID,QuantityPerUnit,UnitPrice,UnitsInStock "1","Chai","1","1","10 boxes x 20 bags","18.0000","39" "2","Chang","1","1","24 - 12 oz bottles","19.0000","17"
Place all your CSV files in a favorable directory, pass the path of the directory in CsvDataLoader constructor to make Effort to load them.
IDataLoader loader = new Effort.DataLoaders.CsvDataLoader(@"D:\CsvFiles") using (NorthwindEntities ctx = Effort.ObjectContextFactory.CreateTransient(loader)) { var products = ctx.Products.ToList(); }
It returns a collection that contains two products which was specified in the CSV file.